More then 8 million American's suffer from an eating disorder. Of those girls
and boys that deal with this disorder they have created a way to escape from the hatred of it and the "you are unhealthy"
aspects. Over 93% of the images the media promotes are of very thin women. Pro Ana is a movement of empowerment among females
and males that have an eating disorder and do not want to recover. Yahoo and five or six other web site providers have banned
Pro Ana sites because the providers have misunderstand what it is and what it is for.
Pro Ana is a supportive site on the disease anorexia.These sites use personal
gained knowledge about how to maintain their weight and their lifestyle without dying for it. In a quote from Ana's Underground
Grotto, "You may not already know the difference between us rexies and anorexics! If you want sympathy for your "disease"
you are anorexic. If you want respect and admiration for your lifestyle of choice, you are a rexi...Anorexics die, Rexies
don't." This is a very common feeling amongst the Pro Ana sites. Their choice is to maintain the lifestyle of starvation,
but to use their own self control to maintain their life and health. There are numerous lists of vitamins and the amount of
calories you have to eat a day in order to maintain life and health, what to do if your period stops or if your hair begins
to fall out. The people of Pro Ana do not encourage other girl or boys to get an eating disorder. The Pro Anas are often asked
questions like, "How do I become Anorexic?" and are often answered with h harsh critisism and morality,such as the quote from
My Ana, My Maker , My destoryer, "You don't f***ing get one! I curse the day I started on this path, but I can not get off,
you don't want this, it'll kill you. You don't want one, this is not a diet, Be happy with who you are, Never let anyone tell
you otherwise."
The media is the first thing to turn on Pro Ana when the media is one of
the main causes and contributor of it. The media is a very important part of child's socialization process and it represents
the American Ideal. The American ideal is that women are tall, with long legs and high manufactored breasts and arms that
are sleek with no baggage. Every women that you see on television is rated by the pounds. On America's most popular show,
"American Idol" a girl was told by the manager "You need to lose a few pounds, you're chunky", this girl looked to be about
135 lbs in weight, not very heavy, but the message was sent. This message is delivered by all kinds of media and even toys,
the most well known toy, both for her controversy and just her wealth is Barbie. Barbie is a representation of the American
Ideal, she is 6'0 and has nice long legs, perfect bust and perfect sleek arms. The media shoves more and more of the perfection
of women down the public's throat and then in return the public decides it has to be more "beautiful". Pro Ana has a thing
called "Thinsperation", long pages full of the most popular people in society today, and various supermodels, the Pro Anas
use these pictures to remind themselves why they are not eating.
Pro Ana is a lifestyle choice which Pro Ana girls and boys have chosen and
decided to follow. These websites do not encourage people to have this disorder and is only used as inspiration and as an
out from all the grief they get during the day for being so. It is an escape for them to be with people who understand their
thoughts and feelings and will help them encourage their lifestyle and maintain it. People are allowed to smoke cigerattes
and there is a mandatory warning on each pack stating that it may cause cancer. There is a warning on each Pro Ana site stating
that it may trigger the diease if the viewer is recovering from an eating disorder and that it is not for those who can not
handle their choice of lifestyle. If people are allowed to smoke, drink, box and do other things that may harm themselves
just as much or even worse than anorexia and the media and people allow commercials and websites that encourage such distructive
behaviors and choices, why not Pro Ana?